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Softcover, 229 pages

Kindle 99cents

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Why are Christians losing the culture war?


What difference does it make if Christians are involved in politics?


God and Government journeys through history, presenting inconvenient truths for liberals, conservatives, Catholics and Evangelicals alike. It is a walk along the edge of a comfort zone, a call to action, and a jolt from complacency.


For too long, Christians have disregarded our history and contented ourselves to sit on the sidelines, watching culture happen rather than engaging and winning our culture for Christ. It's time for that to change.



Softcover, 132 pages


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Single, Not Satisfied


Have we become so focused on when Prince Charming will arrive that we've forgotten to enjoy the life God's given to us right now?

Single, Not Satisfied is about abandoning unrealistic expectations and the need for satisfaction (I may not be married, but I can fill that void with ________) by rejecting the lies we face every day, living our single lives to the fullest, and truly embracing contentment as we discover God-provided self-sufficiency.

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© 2020 by Krystal Heath

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